Agriculture Sites

General Info
Detailed Information
Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
Students get the opportunity to visit 23 real and fascinating Canadian farms, dealing with different animals and crops.
You can watch the interactive videos and get information on the farms. Teacher’s guide has curriculum connections.
Teacher’s catalogue has  resources and programs that can be ordered or downloaded. The resource “Teacher’s Toolkit” has links to the curriculum.
“Agri-Trekking Across Ontario” is an interactive game with information for students and teachers.
This site features a trivia challenge, games, crafts, and educational facts to learn more about farming and food.
“The Real Dirt on Farming II”, "Farm animals and me" These resources can be ordered or downloaded.
Information on Canadian farming and food resources and games.
Videos with information on farming in Ontario
Teacher resources, interactive activities, games, and information on nutrition and animals
 “Bees: A Honey of an Idea"
Kids Zone has resources, games and educational facts.
Resources and downloads. Interactive quiz for students.
Information. Recipes for kids, history of eggs, resources.
Resources for teachers.  Egg-speriments for students.
Information. Recipes for kids, history of eggs, resources.
Information on eggs.
Educational activities at each grade level to learn about maple syrup.
Resources with links to the curriculum
Sites with information on dairy products. History, manufacture, facts and fallacies, tips and tricks
Dairy Diary – 12 cows who are on Twitter,  constantly updating their followers on their life on the farm
Game "Fun Farm"
Resources based on the curriculum.
Kid’s Corner. Resources, games, and educational links
for students and teachers.
Interactive website to promote horse health and safety.
Activities & games for students (lots of sound effects), resources for teachers, curriculum links.
Teacher resources and links to curriculum.
Information on Canadian Heritage Livestock.
 Interesting links to related web sites.
Education Resources about Ontario Pork
All about beef
Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) represents Ontario’s 28,000 growers of corn, soybean and wheat

The What's Growing ON resource kit includes all of the materials necessary to complete lessons and activities designed to help Ontario school children and their families understand the role grains play in the lives of Ontarians.
This resource kit is designed for Grade 3 students. The free package includes a teacher's resource kit and parent guides including at-home activities, along with enough planting cups, soil wafers, and seeds for your whole class.